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Minister of Transport and Logistics Frank Tayali is expected in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, for the Inter-Ministerial Task Force meeting of SADC Ministers of Trade, Transport, and Security matters on the resolution of the challenges at  Kasumbalesa Border Post.

The meeting is meant to find a lasting solution to the perennial problems encountered by traders, transporters, and drivers at the border.

Ministry of Transport and Logistics Public Relations Officer Ndubi Mvula, says the high-level meeting that has started today is a result of the 43rd SADC Summit of Heads of State and government held in Angola, where a directive was made to resolve the border challenges.

“The Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Jack Mwiimbu, will also attend the meeting,” said Mr. Ndubi in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said that the meeting will consider the draft Framework of Cooperation and the Action Plan developed, which contain a comprehensive list of critical activities and initiatives that will address the problems occurring at the Kasumbalesa border and the satellite border posts of Sakania, Mokambo, and Kipushi, among several others.

Mr. Ndubi said that the SADC Secretariat has been directed to report back with concrete recommendations at the next SADC Summit to be held in Harare, Zimbabwe.


By Angel Kasabo




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