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5 People have died after the boat they were traveling in capsized on Lake Bangweulu yesterday.

A concerned resident of Bangweulu Harbour, Dennis Mwelwa aged 35, called the police to report a drowning incident on Lake Bangweulu, indicating that several individuals had drowned, and some had lost their lives.

Police Public Relations Officer Rae Hamoonga says after receiving the report, police officers proceeded to Bangweulu Harbour and confirmed the incident.

“Preliminary investigations revealed that two boats traveling to Chilubi District encountered a severe storm, resulting in their capsizing” said Mr. Hamoonga in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Mr. Hamoonga has identified the deceased as Salome Kasabwe, 1year 5 months, Mathews Malama, 1 year 7 months, Ronald Mulumbe, 1 year 6 month, Nga’ndwe Webby, aged 45 and Mulenga Chola, aged 38.

He said the bodies have been transported to Samfya District Hospital mortuary, where they are awaiting postmortem examination and burial arrangements.

Mr. Hamoonga added that the two boats, along with their marine engines, have not yet been retrieved and the survivors are currently receiving treatment at Samfya District Hospital.

By Chimba Chilopa / Angel Kasabo